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1. Air conditioning and fans

a. Regular deep cleaning of ductings – at least 2-3 times a year

b. Avoid use of pedestal fans and ceiling fans as they agitate dust settled on surfaces
and bring it towards our noses.

2. Bed mattresses – strip off the bed sheets and vacuum the mattress inch by inch, the whole surface, regularly

3. Pillow stuffings – dry clean regularly – if more than, say 2 years old, preferably throw them away and get new ones

4. Curtains – get them laundered regularly

5. Blinds, if any – clean regularly

6. Soft toys

a. Do not keep where the child sleeps

b. Offer your child other toys such as of plastic, to play with in day time

7. Carpets, rugs and mats
a. Avoid woolen, coir and cloth mats and carpets
b. Use rubber or plastic ones instead

8. Household pests – cockroaches are known causes of respiratory allergies – make sure to eliminate them.

9. Smoke and volatile oils exposure
a. Avoid smoking or vaping close to your child or inside the house
b. Avoid burning incense or “bukhur” when your child is at home
c. Avoid strong chemical air fresheners
d. Avoid aromatic oils

10. Pets
a. Avoid keeping furry animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters etc. as pets at
home as their dander can cause allergies

b. Avoid keeping pet birds as pets at home as their microscopic feathers can cause

c. Pets such as turtles etc. may be kept instead.

11. Humidifier – is useful where weather is dry – should be kept on the bedside table 2-3 feet away from the head at night when sleeping

12. Air purifier – may be used in extreme cases – use one which has a HEPA filter and change filter regularly


1. Avoid the normal liquid form of milk if your child is having recurrent respiratory issues. Instead use formula milk if your child is under 3 years old and any non-formula milk powder if your child is above 3 years of age.

2. Observe and see if any other foods trigger skin allergies or coughs in your child.

3. Readymade foods and snacks contain many coloring agents, flavoring agents and
preservatives. Make sure your child is not allergic to any of these.